Raymond expresses gratitude in 2020
In 2020, it was important for The Raymond Corporation to continue focusing on collaborative ways to show support to non-profit and educational organisations while expressing gratitude to those who went above and beyond to help those in need. Raymond and its network of Solutions and Support Centres across North America supported numerous non-profits and educational organisations, spanning a variety of needs and charitable causes.
At a corporate level, Raymond heard the appeals for protective equipment from healthcare workers battling the Covid-19 pandemic. Raymond’s engineering team and associates showcased their gratitude by 3D printing and assembling more than 2500 face shields and distributed them to hospitals and emergency responders throughout Chenango and Broome counties in New York state, USA.
Steve VanNostrand, executive vice president of Raymond says, “During this extraordinary year, Raymond and our network of Solutions and Support Centres knew how important it was to demonstrate our core company values of quality, reliability and service by supporting our greater communities. We are humbled by all those who have gone the extra mile to help those in need. With heartfelt gratitude, we thank our associates who continue Raymond’s mission of gratitude and giving.”