Along came the spiders

After years of being niche products, tracked booms have gone mainstream. Dan Jenkins looks at some of the current drivers for adoption and product development trends. The tracked boom has become an integral part of access rental fleets, thanks to its unique, problem-solving properties. Low ground pressure, a compact frame, and impressive working envelopes make […]

18/01/2021 - 22:01 pm

Platform Basket’s Spider 20.95 proving popular with UK arborists

Since its UK launch in 2020, Platform Basket’s Spider 20.95 tracked platform is proving a huge success with UK tree surgeons who are benefiting from its work envelope, unrestricted platform capacity and range of features suited to the arboricultural sector. Shaun Day, managing director of UK distributor Promax Access, said, “Although we only took delivery […]

17/11/2020 - 07:36 am

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ILH Nov/Dec 2025

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