lifting beam
Modulift launches new, versatile lifting system
Designed to be a strong, versatile lifting system, which saves rigging time and maximises its use across multiple lifting applications is Multi-Point from Modulift. Designed and engineered for use as a semi-spreader or a lifting beam and also suitable for tandem lift operations, Multi-Point gives users the power to lift across multiple points at varied […]
Lifting beam with adjustable counterweight
Ox Worldwide has designed a lifting beam for lifting Electrical Room modules up to 53t and 9m long. It comprises two units of adjustable four leg slings on the bottom and on top of the beam there are two hooks for shackle and sling to the hook of crane. The length of these slings can […]
Caldwell launches overhang lifting beam
US-based The Caldwell Group Inc has launched a custom lifting beam for applications where a crane cannot be positioned over a load because of limited travel or obstructions. The manufacturer’s auto-leveller technology is a notable feature. Caldwell was initially approached by an automotive manufacturer that had a requirement to lift a load during periodic maintenance […]
Caldwell beam lifts rebar cages on overpass project
The Caldwell Group Inc supplied a custom 75ft long, 50,000lb capacity beam for lifting 60 rebar cages at a highway project in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The two-piece beam is currently being used beneath the hook of a 275USt capacity Grove mobile crane to lift the large pier cap rebar cages, as required for concrete reinforcement during […]