LiftEurop launches a new website
The Luxembourgish manufacturer of lifting accessories LiftEurop has launched a new website. This entirely revisited version is designed to offer a more fluid and pleasant browsing experience to the users. As for many companies, a website is one of the essential supports for the marketing of products. LiftEurop has, therefore, completely redesigned its website, with […]
23/11/2021 - 13:44 pm
Lifteurop promotes sustainability
Lifteurop – part of the Alipa Group – has been implementing an internal environmental policy for several years. The company has implemented a series of measures to encourage its employees to adopt an eco-responsible approach. Michèle Detaille, managing director of the Alipa Group says, “In corporate terms, Sustainable Development means being profitable in order to […]
03/09/2019 - 09:19 am