Kalmar accelerates its product development with 5G private network
Kalmar, part of Cargotec, together with Telia and Telia’s partners Digita and Nokia, has implemented a new stand-alone 5G network for its Technology and Competence Centre in Tampere, Finland. In Tampere, Kalmar has the industry’s largest port automation test field and world-class facilities and laboratories for prototyping, simulation, testing, monitoring and optimisation. Thanks to the […]
Kalmar’s Gloria reachstacker for fleet renewal at Bandeirantes Deicmar
Kalmar, part of Cargotec, has concluded a deal to supply Brazilian integrated logistics operator Bandeirantes Deicmar Logística Integrada S.A. (Bandeirantes Deicmar) with five Kalmar Gloria reachstackers. The equipment is scheduled for delivery during Q3 2021. Bandeirantes and Deicmar, two well established companies in the Port of Santos, joined forces in 2018 to consolidate their strengths […]