News  >  Events

Be included on the GLAD Calendar of Content

On Global Lifting Awareness Day (GLAD), which takes place on 8 July 2021, the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) will be hosting a ‘Calendar of Content’ to ensure that the whole day, right across the globe, will be full of messages promoting Lifting on social media. The Association is encouraging companies, organisations and individuals that […]

28/05/2021 - 13:54 pm
News  >  Events

GLAD for a successful celebration of lifting

The first Global Lifting Awareness Day (GLAD), which took place on 9 July had the lifting industry taking to social media in-force. The day was all about getting the whole industry and the associated supply chains to recognise the importance of high standards in lifting, the significance of quality and how to ensure lifting best […]

21/07/2020 - 13:25 pm

New Issue

ILH Jan/Feb 2025

In this month's issue