The Italian Army chooses Easy Lift

At the beginning of December Easy Lift delivered 20 tracked platforms, model R180 and one tracked platform model R130 to the Italian Army. The R180s have been customised to best meet the Army’s needs for working at height. Compared to the standard version, structural changes included turret rotation of 360deg, the Scanreco wire control with […]

20/12/2023 - 14:02 pm

Easy Lift is establishing itself internationally

The first half of 2023 was a period of solid growth for Easy Lift. While challenges such as the difficulty in obtaining materials are still ongoing and final figures are yet to be compiled the first half of 2023 has been positive, the company reports. Figures relating to the sold machines are in line with […]

03/07/2023 - 15:23 pm

Rothlehner Arbeitsbühnen delivers two more Easy Lift spiders

Easy Lift has been collaborating with Rothlehner Arbeitsbühnen GmbH since the end of 2020 and the two companies participated jointly at the Bauma exhibition in October last year. Rothlehner Arbeitsbühnen has worked hard to promote Easy Lift spiders in Germany and its sales in 2022 recorded a significant surge. Among the latest machines delivered by […]

03/01/2023 - 14:01 pm

Easy Lift spiders appreciated in the Indian access market

In November Easy Lift delivered a RA24 tracked platform RA24 to Rentease International, an aerial platform rental and sales company located in Navi Mumbai, India, which also has two R360HY spiders on order for delivery in early 2023. Rentease International was established in 2017 and immediately began to expand on the Indian access market, making […]

29/11/2022 - 17:08 pm

Growth for Easy Lift in first half of the year.

After a 50% growth in 2021, Easy Lift, has reported that the first six months of 2022 data are also on the rise compared to the first half of last year: 20% more machines have been sold and turnover has increased by 30%. The company’s growth in a time of global difficulty is said to […]

26/06/2022 - 17:08 pm

Danish market is positive for Easy Lift

Easy Lift’s exclusive dealer for the Danish market since 2013, Hammer Lifte, specialises in the sale of both new and used tracked and self-propelled aerial platforms. It has been particularly busy in recent weeks delivering five new Easy Lift spiders with working heights ranging from 13 to 21m. The rental company R-Byg & Machine has […]

27/04/2021 - 13:30 pm

Easy Lift’s Benelux coverage grows

Easy Lift, an Italian manufacturer of tracked platforms and truck mounted access equipment, has cooperated with France Elevateur Benelux on the Belgian market since 2012. In these eight years the business relationship has become stronger and has brought significant results, in terms of sales. This year, despite the general economic uncertainty due to the Covid-19 […]

03/12/2020 - 15:12 pm

New Issue

ILH Jan/Feb 2025

In this month's issue