Bocker 65th Anniversary

Böcker celebrates 65 years of at the 360deg Height Days

In front of the backdrop of the new production halls, Böcker celebrated its 65th company anniversary 16 and 17 June with the 360deg Height Days. In midsummer temperatures, the masts of the truck and trailer cranes were shining. The entire Böcker product range could be admired and tested live on site. Special highlights were the […]

26/06/2023 - 12:28 pm

Böcker innovates in performance and sustainability

At the beginning of April, Böcker Maschinenwerke GmbH will be presenting three major new developments at the 360° Height Days at the company’s headquarters in Werne, at Dach+Holz International in Cologne, Germany. The AHK 36e is believed to be the first battery-powered trailer crane that can be charged directly while the crane is in use […]

22/03/2022 - 10:03 am

New AHK 30KS rental crane for Stirob 

Bavarian rental company, Stirob Baustelleneinrichtung has added a Böcker trailer crane AHK 30KS to its fleet of machines and equipment. The new addition offers technical features that make working on site faster, more effective and safer. The trailer crane includes a powerful manoeuvring drive and a state-of-the-art crane control system for a maximum of operational […]

25/03/2021 - 15:19 pm

New Issue

ILH September 2024

In this month's issue